Saturday, May 9, 2009

To my friend Cyn

Well, this is my first blog. Not quite sure what to write. My friend Cyn inspired me. We have only met in person once, but we have formed a bond and a true friendship through e.mails and phone calls that feels like we have known eachother a lifetime. We met through our love of dogs, but have found we have a lot of other things in common and just really wish we lived closer to eachother. I even think our husbands would be friends. They are coming to our place in July with their dogs and I can't wait. A: Because I think we will have a great time and it will be so awesome to actually spend time together and just have fun!! but B: Oh, B is for Benny and Cyn has 2 Goldens. It will be so awesome to see a Golden up at our place again. My Benny J. Man, became a real dog when he was in the woods. He absolutely loved it up there. I miss him more than I could have ever imagined. I hope Cyn lets me just have Brody and Molly to myself for a minute when they are there. Sometimes I wonder. Am I diving into all of this dog welfare and rescue because of Benny or because I feel I didn't do enough for him when he was alive and now I'm trying to make up for it. I don't know. I do know I have my wonderful girls now and I have met some absolutely wondeful friends I would have never met. I have seen a different side of my husband I dearly love. So yes, back to me and Cyn.....we are dog lovers. Not just your average dog lover, because we are going beyond our call of duty to do help the dogs in puppy mills in Wisconsin and everywhere they are suffering. We have a desire that drives like we have never experienced. I know I can speak for her in this aspect because only people who "get it" really understand and she gets it. Its like with any plight or cause. When it finds you, it changes your life. Your entire outlook and changes your perspectives. I don't even care anymore if I have black sunglasses on and I am wearing brown shoes! I LOVE IT!! So thats all for now. I protested at PETLAND today. Tomorrow is mother's day and I think I will spend it at the park with my girls. Adam is in California, Ryan is 15 and loves his mom, but you know....he wants to play his new guitar and Tyler,.....well, he's always up for anything, maybe we'll do something together too. Goodnight.


  1. make me smile! And, cry, and laugh and I think we have to thank a little just over a year old golden named Cherry for bringing us together. You have touched my heart by your post. I am honored to know you, and cannot wait to sit around the campfire, and just "be"!!! Our guys will get on well, I just know it. Thank you for all the nice things you said. And...Molly and Brody? They will love you, and you will probably have Molly in your lap. I'm happy to share them. One final comment...yes, having a puppy mill doggie changes your life for sure. I used to vacuum my house everyday, and worry about what I was wearing to work...and ya know what? None of it matters anymore. That's "getting it"! Jodi, you are my hero...for sure. Original Cyn

  2. Today was a sad day. I got up to look for a 8 year old cat Misty to take her to the vet because she has been losing weight (but she has been a weight loss diet so I thought that was good, until I could feel her back bone, not good)and last night she just didn't seem right. Her fur looked ruffled and she wouldn't drink. We couldn't find her this morning. We looked under furniture and in Misty. Dan found her in the bathtub, ironically a place she hated. She went there to die. Was she in pain? Was she suffering? How can I be right here almost 24 hours a day and not see beyond my nose. My son is having issues, now the cat is dead and I don't see it coming. Puts things back in perspective., I went down and spent some time with my mom. I fixed their computer. I took Kitty to the vet and made sure she is ok. She is stressed, probably ever since Benny died....he was her buddy. Dog stuff is part of our lives now, but first things first. We didn't neglect Misty at all, we just thought cats were like dogs, they get sick, they get over it or go to the vet and get antibiotic and rehydrated. Man, just like that she was gone. I saw that she wasn't feeling well and made an appointment to get her to the vet..just too late, she didn't even cry. Poor Misty. We are sorry. We will miss you.
